Friday, July 17, 2009

Settled In

Xin Chao! 

I've been in Danang for about ten days now. It's been a crazy ten days but I definitely feel like Danang has become my home. 

I've spent the last week and a half getting adjusted to this new place, visiting various places around Danang, and observing and coteaching the classes I will be taking over in a few weeks. Adjusting to the heat took me a little longer than I expected. When I first arrived I felt tired all day and sometimes sick. I had trouble sleeping and felt constantly dehydrated. After a few days, though, my body began to adjust. I've also learned to go slower than I would at home. I take a nap during the hottest part of the day, rest before and after work, drink lots of water, and generally move slowly throughout my day. I feel great now!

I have also had no problems adjusting to my new diet. I eat lots of fresh fruit, fish, rice, noodles, chicken, and beef. The food is delicious and healthy. I've also begun drinking a cup of coffee everyday either at my house or on the street from one of the many coffee vendors. The coffee is so delicious! You only drink a tiny cup of coffee here because it's so thick and strong. It's quite different from the weak coffee-water you make at home mom haha! My friends here have also taken me around the city to eat and drink at some of their favorite eateries. My favorites so far are the pineapple slushies and the spicy egg breakfast sandwiches.

I have been riding my bike to the beach nearly everyday. I even got a chance to go surfing and catch a few small waves. The waves don't compare to Southern California but the warm clear water makes up for it. Supposedly the surf gets much better starting in September so I think I can wait haha. Riding my bike home from the beach in rush hour traffic is quite the experience especially with a surfboard haha! Riding my bike around the city is one of my favorite things to do. Cruising around, talking to people, and taking in the sights and sounds of a different culture is an amazing experience I know I will never forget. I want to try and prolong this feeling of exploration as long as possible. 

This past Sunday all of the teachers, two of the teachers' assistants, Hai and his family, and I went to a place called Elephant Springs after church. Elephant Springs is a series of small waterfalls and natural pools. It is a beautiful place and popular tourist spot for Vietnamese. Being one of the only foriegners I quickly made friends with some Vietnamese guys my age and they took me to a cliff jumping spot where we all jumped together. It was great. Out of nowhere, though, it began raining and we had to leave quickly before the place flooded haha. 

In the evenings I observe/ coteach the classes I will be taking over in September. The kids at the school are great! I have become extremely excited about teaching. I will be teaching four classes. Classes are twice a week and an hour and a half long. A couple of my classes seem really fun! One class is made up of one boy and nine eight-ten year old girls haha. They are so fun! It's nice to start working again especially at such a fun and exciting job. And (I never thought I would say this) it's nice to dress up and wear a tie to work. I feel so official and grown up haha. The kids call me "Teacher Andrew" too. It's really cute. "Teacher Andrew may I please go to the bathroom?" haha. 

Well that's it for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures. One is of the small plane we took to Danang, two are of the beach, one is of our house (it is the white house in the middle that we are walking towards), and one if the view of our street from one of our balconies. I can only upload so many pictures at one time so that's all you get for now haha. I will upload more soon. 

I love you and miss you!

Peace from the Southeast!


  1. Hi Honey! Thank you for the pictures, it really looks pretty and exotic there! Now I can picture in my mind where you lay your head at night. We're so glad your adjusting so well, you have a great gift for loving people in different cultures and your attitude is to be admired! Good job. We're adjusting too but we miss you so much. In the morning when I'm drinking my weak watered down coffee I think about you and still shed a couple tears..haha. But I'm so proud of you and I know your doing what you love, so how can I be sad? The food sounds great! I hope we get to visit you soon and see all these great places with you. Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming! Love mom

  2. Hey bro, I wanted to see another update. : ) Have you been busy? Getting more settled? Peace brother. Love, prayers, Adam
