Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life's Alright

Hello Everyone,

Things are going alright here in Da Nang. Two of the teachers that I was observing have returned to Canada, so this past week I began teaching all four classes on my own. So far it's been great. I love teaching and I think I'm pretty good at it. Also, since I've become the students only teacher my opinions of them have changed. I have fallen in love with kids that I used to find annoying haha. Weird how that happens huh? 

I bought a motorbike. It's pretty sweet. It's the cheapest new motorbike you can find in Da Nang haha but it works! Most of the time haha. It's great though I don't have to rent a motorbike every time I want to go out of town, or when I'm tired and don't want to ride my bike to this place and that I just take my motorbike =). I still love riding my bicycle around though. 

A strong storm came through a couple of weeks ago. It gave all of the new teachers a little taste of the rainy season. Everything was always damp, my clothes, my bed, the walls. Mold was beginning to grow on almost everything. The street outside of our house flooded. I had to turn my motorbike off and push it through the flood back to my house. The water was up to my waist. It was actually a little scary. The picture in this post shows you how it looked before it got really bad. Those ten days of constant rain have made me afraid of the upcoming rainy season. I'm from Southern California, I can't handle the rain, especially constant rain. By the third day it was beginning to wear on my mood and my body. I didn't want to do anything all day, felt a little depressed, and thought about home a lot. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the rainy season finally does arrive and I don't see the sun for three months. One good thing about the storm was that it also brought decent surf to the coast. I was finally able to surf actual waves! One day I was surfing in heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. That was a little scary haha. The rainy season will bring more consistent surf though, so that's an upside. 

This past week I had to have a health check-up in order to get my business visa. That was quite the experience. I had to have urine tests, blood tests, breathing tests, an X-ray. Getting all that done in a Vietnamese hospital was interesting. I had one sort of frustrating experience. I was getting my breathing tests done one afternoon and the doctor noticed my chest scar from the surgery I had as a kid. He asked me what it was from and my translator (one of my teachers assistants) didn't understand everything I was saying. So then the doctor asked me if I had my papers for the surgery. I tried to explain that I received this surgery as a kid and didn't carry around papers for it in my pocket! He told me that I couldn't pass the tests unless I had my papers. So then he wanted me to wait for another doctor to check me out but I was going to be late for one of my classes. I was getting so frustrated, especially because he was having every nurse and doctor in the place look at my chest like I was some sort of freak-show. Anyways through a system of translators I was able to explain the situation to the doctor and he finally let me go. It was just one of those frustrating cross-cultural cross-language experiences that are bound to happen.

I'm sick again. I have the flu this time =(. I feel like I haven't gone one week without having some sort of sickness the entire time I've been here. I have had food poisoning, two colds, and various stomach problems. I'm beginning to think that it's just part of life here. The food is so different and prepared differently. Almost all of it is delicious it just makes me sick from time to time. Even my Vietnamese friends have frequent stomach problems, not as much as I do of course haha. Hopefully my stomach is strong as a steel trap soon haha. 

Well, that's about it. I'm just livin life, nothing crazy but I'm having a great time. Keep me in your thoughts for the rainy season! I miss you all!


Sunday, August 9, 2009

One Month In

Hello everyone, 

I've been in Danang for a little over a month now. Crazy huh!? It's been a great month and I'm still loving every day here. This is such an amazing and beautiful country. I feel so lucky to call this city my home. 

Last week I substitute taught for two other English teachers. It was my first time teaching alone and surprisingly it went really well! The kids in my classes are great and we have a lot of fun together. I've never realized how crazy little kids are! Picking your nose is socially acceptable here so I'll have a kid in my class diggin deep in his nose for half the class or I'll be in the middle of a lesson and some kid will just stand up and start dancing haha. I'm just glad that I have the older kids because I hear crazy stories about what the younger ones do during class haha. 

Next week I begin teaching my first class. Then in two weeks I take over another class. I'm really excited to begin teaching consistently. I've been observing other teachers for so long. It will be nice to start working and apply what I've learned. 

When I'm not teaching I usually hang out with my Vietnamese friends. I've made a pretty close group of friends here and we hang out almost everyday. We usually go around Danang and check out new places to eat and drink coffee. We've gone bowling, been to a Danang soccer game, sung karaoke, and seen a few movies. They're all really great! My closest friend is probably my friend Phoung (Jay is his English name). Jay's really into taking me around Danang to eat "something weird." He calls me everyday and says "ok I'm going to pick you up to eat something weird then we're going to get coffee" haha. Usually it's a type of noodle soup, frog legs, or some kind of milk drink. I haven't had anything that weird yet but Jay is definitely bent on me trying dog, eel, bees, and duck embryo. And since I pretty much do and eat whatever Jay tells me to, I will probably end up trying all of those things haha. 

Two days ago there was actually surf! I couldn't believe it. My first real day of surf in Vietnam. It felt so good to get in the water and ride some actual waves. The rainy season is only a month away so there should be more swell on the way!

I'm still studying Vietnamese. I have a group Vietnamese class every week as well as a few private tutoring sessions. It's actually a pretty simple language aside from the tones. I'm pretty sure I'm tone deaf so I have a little trouble communicating here and there haha. 

Well other then that I have just been hanging out with other English teachers, making lesson plans, and relaxing at my house. My days are pretty simple. Since it is so hot though a simple day can leave me feeling really tired. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Enjoy the pictures, one is the view from my balcony when the sun was setting and three are of my recent trip to Monkey Mountain.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Settled In

Xin Chao! 

I've been in Danang for about ten days now. It's been a crazy ten days but I definitely feel like Danang has become my home. 

I've spent the last week and a half getting adjusted to this new place, visiting various places around Danang, and observing and coteaching the classes I will be taking over in a few weeks. Adjusting to the heat took me a little longer than I expected. When I first arrived I felt tired all day and sometimes sick. I had trouble sleeping and felt constantly dehydrated. After a few days, though, my body began to adjust. I've also learned to go slower than I would at home. I take a nap during the hottest part of the day, rest before and after work, drink lots of water, and generally move slowly throughout my day. I feel great now!

I have also had no problems adjusting to my new diet. I eat lots of fresh fruit, fish, rice, noodles, chicken, and beef. The food is delicious and healthy. I've also begun drinking a cup of coffee everyday either at my house or on the street from one of the many coffee vendors. The coffee is so delicious! You only drink a tiny cup of coffee here because it's so thick and strong. It's quite different from the weak coffee-water you make at home mom haha! My friends here have also taken me around the city to eat and drink at some of their favorite eateries. My favorites so far are the pineapple slushies and the spicy egg breakfast sandwiches.

I have been riding my bike to the beach nearly everyday. I even got a chance to go surfing and catch a few small waves. The waves don't compare to Southern California but the warm clear water makes up for it. Supposedly the surf gets much better starting in September so I think I can wait haha. Riding my bike home from the beach in rush hour traffic is quite the experience especially with a surfboard haha! Riding my bike around the city is one of my favorite things to do. Cruising around, talking to people, and taking in the sights and sounds of a different culture is an amazing experience I know I will never forget. I want to try and prolong this feeling of exploration as long as possible. 

This past Sunday all of the teachers, two of the teachers' assistants, Hai and his family, and I went to a place called Elephant Springs after church. Elephant Springs is a series of small waterfalls and natural pools. It is a beautiful place and popular tourist spot for Vietnamese. Being one of the only foriegners I quickly made friends with some Vietnamese guys my age and they took me to a cliff jumping spot where we all jumped together. It was great. Out of nowhere, though, it began raining and we had to leave quickly before the place flooded haha. 

In the evenings I observe/ coteach the classes I will be taking over in September. The kids at the school are great! I have become extremely excited about teaching. I will be teaching four classes. Classes are twice a week and an hour and a half long. A couple of my classes seem really fun! One class is made up of one boy and nine eight-ten year old girls haha. They are so fun! It's nice to start working again especially at such a fun and exciting job. And (I never thought I would say this) it's nice to dress up and wear a tie to work. I feel so official and grown up haha. The kids call me "Teacher Andrew" too. It's really cute. "Teacher Andrew may I please go to the bathroom?" haha. 

Well that's it for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures. One is of the small plane we took to Danang, two are of the beach, one is of our house (it is the white house in the middle that we are walking towards), and one if the view of our street from one of our balconies. I can only upload so many pictures at one time so that's all you get for now haha. I will upload more soon. 

I love you and miss you!

Peace from the Southeast!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Goodddd Morninggggg Vietnam!

Hello everyone! 

A few hours ago I awoke for the first time in my new home in Danang! Woohoo what a trip! 

My travels with Robin and Kaitlyn (fellow English teachers from APU) went very smoothly! I slept during most of our 12 hour flight from LAX to Taipei. Our layovers in Taipei, Saigon, and Buon Ma Thuot were not long or boring. Our last two flights and our final layover were pretty fun. We flew in a small propeller plane over rural areas of Vietnam that were absolutely beautiful! Once we landed in Danang we immediately got all of our luggage and then our host Hai arrived and took us to our new home.

Our home is amazing! It is a skinny tall building in downtown Danang with a long spiral staircase leading to all of its seven bedrooms. The whole house has tiled floors and nearly every bedroom has a balcony. My bedroom on the top floor has double doors that open up to the home's biggest balcony which offers an incredible view of the sun setting over downtown Danang. I'm planning to hang a hammock up on the balcony and put some plants around as well.

I have already fallen in love with Vietnam. Everyone I have met is unbelievably friendly. When I walk around the city people smile, say hello, and some even stop to start a conversation and practice their English. Also, the Vietnamese I learned before I left has paid off big time. I have already connected with a few people who are happy to see an American speaking in broken Vietnamese and find it funny watching me struggle with the high and low tones. 

The food is delicious. There are fresh fruits and juices that I have never tasted before on nearly every street corner. Pho, sugar cane, and sandwich stands are everywhere. This morning I drank the most delicious and strongest coffee I have ever tasted. I'm probably going to be addicted within the month haha. 

The weather is hot, hot, hot and humid. I am always sweating but it's not unbearable. It's a good hot and I can already feel my body adjusting. 

Today I plan to do some more exploring of the city's sights, sounds, smells, and flavors. Hai provided us all with beach cruiser style bicycles and I plan to bike through the city to the beach which is about 15-20 minutes away. It's going to be an exciting ride. Traffic here operates on a system of organized chaos with motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles going every which way. I'm hoping I'll be able to navigate through traffic with a surfboard under my arm haha. I'm also going to run some errands today. I have to change my money and buy some groceries and home supplies and what not. All in all it should be a great day. Tomorrow I have orientation at the school and then Monday I begin shadowing an English teacher whose class I will take over in a few weeks. 

Well that's it for now I guess. Thank you for reading about my first couple days in Danang. I will post again soon. I love you and miss you! Thank you for everything!

Peace from the Southeast!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Leaving Soon

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my blog! This is where I will be writing about my adventure in Vietnam. Check back every once in a while to read about my life in Danang. 

I leave for Danang in five days! Until then I will be finishing some last minute tasks and spending quality time with close friends and family. 

Thank you for supporting me and my trip to Vietnam! I will miss all of you so much! Please feel free to contact me at any time. I would love to hear from you. My e-mail is 

